Thursday, 4 July 2013

Top 10 Ways to Lead a Board with a Solo Female Director

Being the only woman in a well-established group of male directors can be tough, especially when the woman is also the first woman to join the board.

Here are some ideas for Chairman, CEOs and non-executive directors (male and female) to remember when the board is transitioning to a broader composition, appointing directors who represent various dimensions of diversity, and not just gender.

1. Be sure that a woman's comments are heard; if the conversation goes on as though the woman has not spoken, reinforce what she has said, and give her credit for it.

2. If you notice a women being ignored or slighted, let her know you see what is happening and then make it clear to others that this unacceptable behaviour.

3. Be aware of informal occasions (sporting events are a typical example) when women directors are not present and board business is discussed.

4. Find time and ways to get to know the women informally to the same extent that you get to know the other men.

5. Don't expect women to raise gender and diversity issues by themselves; be alert to those issues and take the initiative to raise them also.

6. Don't get suspicious that women are conspiring when women are seen talking together or sitting in groups.

7. Put women directors on the nominating committee.

8. Ask women, (and not only those on the nominating committee), to suggest women board candidates.

9. Remind the board that having one, or two women, isn't enough. Nor is having no-one else who represents of other dimensions of diversity, (age, cultural background, nationality, religion, sexuality).

10. Insist that executive search firms and nominating committees provide a shortlist of board candidates who represent multiple dimensions of diversity, and not only gender.

(Adapted from "Critical Mass: The Impact of Three or More Women on Corporate Boards", Alison Konrad, Vicki Kramer and Sumru Erkut, in Organisational Dynamics, Vol 37, No 2, pp145-164, 2008).

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